

Comprehensive analysis of non-selective and selective autophagy in yeast atg mutants and characterization of autophagic activity in the absence of the Atg8 conjugation system.
Ginevskaia T, Innokentev A, Furukawa K, Fukuda T, Hayatsu M, Yamashita SI, Inoue K, Shibata S, Kanki T*.
J Biochem. 2024; 176(3): 217-227.

Atg44/Mdi1/mitofissin facilitates Dnm1-mediated mitochondrial fission.
Furukawa K*, Hayatsu M, Okuyama K, Fukuda T, Yamashita SI, Inoue K, Shibata S, Kanki T*.
Autophagy. 2024; Online ahead of print.

Mitophagy mediated by BNIP3 and NIX protects against ferroptosis by downregulating mitochondrial reactive oxygen species.
Yamashita SI*, Sugiura Y, Matsuoka Y, Maeda R, Inoue K, Furukawa K, Fukuda T, Chan DC, Kanki T*.
Cell Death Differ. 2024; 31(5): 651-661.

Imeglimin mitigates the accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria to restore insulin secretion and suppress apoptosis of pancreatic β-cells from db/db mice.
Aoyagi K, Nishiwaki C, Nakamichi Y, Yamashita SI, Kanki T, Ohara-Imaizumi M*.
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Fission Yeast TORC1 Promotes Cell Proliferation through Sfp1, a Transcription Factor Involved in Ribosome Biogenesis.
Tai YT, Fukuda T*, Morozumi Y, Hirai H, Oda AH, Kamada Y, Akikusa Y, Kanki T, Ohta K, Shiozaki K.
Mol Cell Biol. 2023; 43(12): 675-692.

Neuronal MML-1/MXL-2 regulates systemic aging via glutamate transporter and cell nonautonomous autophagic and peroxidase activity.
Shioda T, Takahashi I, Ikenaka K, Fujita N, Kanki T, Oka T, Mochizuki H, Antebi A, Yoshimori T*, Nakamura S*.
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Hva22, a REEP family protein in fission yeast, promotes reticulophagy in collaboration with a receptor protein.
Fukuda T*, Saigusa T, Furukawa K, Inoue K, Yamashita SI, Kanki T*.
Autophagy. 2023; 19(10): 2657-2667.

The mitochondrial intermembrane space protein mitofissin drives mitochondrial fission required for mitophagy.
Fukuda T#, Furukawa K#, Maruyama T#, Yamashita SI, Noshiro D, Song C, Ogasawara Y, Okuyama K, Alam JM, Hayatsu M, Saigusa T, Inoue K, Ikeda K, Takai A, Chen L, Lahiri V, Okada Y, Shibata S, Murata K, Klionsky DJ, Noda NN*, Kanki T*.
Mol Cell. 2023; 83(12): 2045-2058.e9.
#Equal contribution
*Corresponding authors

TIM23 facilitates PINK1 activation by safeguarding against OMA1-mediated degradation in damaged mitochondria.
Akabane S, Watanabe K, Kosako H, Yamashita SI, Nishino K, Kato M, Sekine S, Kanki T, Matsuda N, Endo T, Oka T*.
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Myeloid-associated differentiation marker is an essential host factor for human parechovirus PeV-A3 entry.
Watanabe K, Oka T, Takagi H, Anisimov S, Yamashita SI, Katsuragi Y, Takahashi M, Higuchi M, Kanki T, Saitoh A, Fujii M*.
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