

A new beta cell-specific mitophagy reporter mouse shows that metabolic stress leads to accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria despite increased mitophagy.
Aoyagi K, Yamashita SI, Akimoto Y, Nishiwaki C, Nakamichi Y, Udagawa H, Abe M, Sakimura K, Kanki T, Ohara-Imaizumi M*.
Diabetologia. 2022; 66(1): 147-162.


Fis1 ablation in the male germline disrupts mitochondrial morphology and mitophagy, and arrests spermatid maturation.
Varuzhanyan G, Ladinsky MS, Yamashita SI, Abe M, Sakimura K, Kanki T, Chan DC*.
Development. 2021; 148(16): dev199686.

Membrane perturbation by lipidated Atg8 underlies autophagosome biogenesis.
Maruyama T, Alam JM, Fukuda T, Kageyama S, Kirisako H, Ishii Y, Shimada I, Ohsumi Y, Komatsu M, Kanki T, Nakatogawa H, Noda NN*.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2021; 28(7): 583-593.

The optineurin/TIA1 pathway inhibits aberrant stress granule formation and reduces ubiquitinated TDP-43.
Kakihana T, Takahashi M, Katsuragi Y, Yamashita SI, Sango J, Kanki T, Onodera O, Fujii M*.
iScience. 2021; 24(7): 102733.

Mitophagy reporter mouse analysis reveals increased mitophagy activity in disuse-induced muscle atrophy.
Yamashita SI#, Kyuuma M#, Inoue K#*, Hata Y, Kawada R, Yamabi M, Fujii Y, Sakagami J, Fukuda T, Furukawa K, Tsukamoto S, Kanki T*.
J Cell Physiol. 2021; 236(11): 7612-7624.
#Equal contribution

MITOL promotes cell survival by degrading Parkin during mitophagy.
Shiiba I, Takeda K, Nagashima S, Ito N, Tokuyama T, Yamashita SI, Kanki T, Komatsu T, Urano Y, Fujikawa Y, Inatome R, Yanagi S*.
EMBO Rep. 2021; 22(3): e49097.

Tripartite suppression of fission yeast TORC1 signaling by the GATOR1-Sea3 complex, the TSC complex, and Gcn2 kinase.
Fukuda T*, Sofyantoro F, Tai YT, Chia KH, Matsuda T, Murase T, Morozumi Y, Tatebe H, Kanki T, Shiozaki K*.
eLife. 2021; 10: e60969.


Association and dissociation between the mitochondrial Far complex and Atg32 regulate mitophagy.
Innokentev A#, Furukawa K#*, Fukuda T, Saigusa T, Inoue K, Yamashita SI, Kanki T*.
eLife. 2020; 9: e63694.
#Equal contribution

Atg43 tethers isolation membranes to mitochondria to promote starvation-induced mitophagy in fission yeast.
Fukuda T*, Ebi Y, Saigusa T, Furukawa K, Yamashita SI, Inoue K, Kobayashi D, Yoshida Y, Kanki T*.
eLife. 2020; 9: e61245.

Gemcitabine induces Parkin-independent mitophagy through mitochondrial-resident E3 ligase MUL1-mediated stabilization of PINK1.
Igarashi R, Yamashita SI*, Yamashita T, Inoue K, Fukuda T, Fukuchi T, Kanki T*.
Sci Rep. 2020; 10(1): 1465.